
Armored Vehicles

Coincidence or not maybe Brazil already represents the world largest fleet of Cheap Rosetta Stone armored vehicles. Until 1997 every twenty thousand vehicles sold, one was armored. Today this relationship has come close to an armored vehicle per thousand vehicles. In the past were only 10 companies specialized in the sector, today there are more than 50 options.It is estimated a current fleet of 15 thousand vehicles. As the market grows, also the concerns over the levels of services, accreditation, certification, used vehicles market, damaged vehicles, transfer of ownership.The subject is so important that the Brazilian Army began to regulate the market through specific standards for the industry. In a not too distant past, there were what was called partial shielding, where some vehicle parts (roofs, columns and doors) were not receiving adequate ballistic protection.Another serious and well known problem is Rosetta Stone V3 the disaggregation of the layers of the glass. There is a separation of the layers that form the shielded "sandwich". This process is a result of attacks of the ultraviolet light and penetration of moisture. Those bubbles are formed and easily noticed at the edges of glass. It is important to remember that the level of disaggregation is directly proportional to the fall of the ballistic efficiency. In this case the only solution would be to replace the glasses which are compromised.Seizing the moment would like to clarify some facts. Recently it appeared on the market the called vandal glass. Remember that an armored glass resists to firearms, while a glass vandal resist to 'soft' weapons (knife, hammer, stone, wood and punches).More troubling and irresponsible are the companies that still sell films, the familiar "insufilm" resistant to Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish gunfire or vandalism. There are no miracles. The unique efficiency of this film is to prevent criminals clearly see the inside of the vehicle. Ballistic protection to the windows of your vehicle means replacing the original factory ones, with the normal thickness of 4 mm by 21 mm glass thickness.The automotive safety market is so 'hot', that there are already options for leasing of armored vehicles. The service is indicated to the usual owner of an armored vehicle outside their region, sporadic shifts to more vulnerable regions and time schedules (night parties), business executives, and chiefs of state. Supplementing this range of services there is also the possibility of hiring trained drivers in defensive driving.One thing is certain: security costs too much money and more important than this, it must be treated Cheap Rosetta Stone V3 with total responsibility.

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