As Rosetta Stone reported yesterday, Barack Obama staffers were rewarded for all their Rosetta Stone V3 hard campaign work with a special concert courtesy of Jay-Z and the Arcade Fire. In between the hits from the bands Funeral and Neon Bible, Win Butler and Co.. also worked in a folksy cover of "Born in the U.S.A." by fellow Obama supporter Bruce Springsteen (see clip, above).Now you might be asking yourself, "Why is a band that calls Montreal, Quebec its home singing Born in the U.S.A.?" Both Win and William Butler were born and raised in Texas, so they were born in the U.S.A. The rest of the band, however, are Canadian natives. This isnt the first time the band has performed a Bruce song onstage: Members of the Arcade Fire joined Springsteen at a concert in Ottawa in October 2007 to perform his Nebraska track "State Trooper," as well as Neon Bibles "Keep The Car Running." Similarly, songs on the bands Bible are Cheap Rosetta Stone Software deeply rooted with the Springsteen influence, like "(Antichrist Television Blues.)" Equally chipper was Ulrich, whose band had stormed through the nearby Verizon Center a few nights earlier.”Its unbelievable," Ulrich said of the electricity coursing through Washington.”Its amazing to be a part of the energy and goodwill. Everyone is so positive. Its all about the possibilities." Banner shared his enthusiasm, but is keeping his eyes on the road ahead.”I feel wonderful, man," said the towering rapper.”But now its time for us to go back to our respective communities and be a part of change. Thats the only way Obama is gonna fulfill all of his commitments: if we as individuals continue to work."Click above to watch Sheryl Crow at the event, and click here to grab a T-shirt depicting one of Rosetta Stones historic Barack Obama Rosetta Stone Greek covers and click here for a special Rock the Vote shirt.
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