Home education will never be well known about because a lot of people refuse to talk about it, mainly because they think it is wrong.Facing the fact, nothing is wrong with teaching your children at home. If anything, it's better for them, but this does all depend on the way that YOU teach them and how THEY are brought up. Some people send their children to a school, my parents chose not to. From the day that you decide to home education, it will never be a bad thing to do.I live in Hampshire, so far out of the area that I live in the number of people home educating has gone up by 250. That's 900 families home educating through all of Hampshire, but it's not just Hampshire. The whole of Scotland and Ireland do the same thing.Home education has been given a very bad name. The Goverment have tried to stop it, will they be able to? No. There are simply too many families that do this, they will not be able to stop them. If however, they 'managed' to get every parent who home educates to send their children to school, surely there would be no room? Have you heard home many children are in just one school, sometimes the number mounts up to 2,000.Some people will always bad name it, and this isn't fair. If we all went around saying "That school can't teach" or "That school is so bad no children should be allowed near it". What are we doing? We're giving schools bad names. Some schools don't need to be given bad names, they have them already. This isn't our fault, if you can't run a school or control the students - don't do it.The only reason teachers give home education parents bad names is because Rosetta Stone Spanish Spain they are probably jealous that they have to spend all day in a huge building with students who are rude. I just think that the schools are jealous of the people who home educate because they are missing people attending their school. If you send your child to a school, there is always a chance that they'll get bullied for something. If you teach your child at home, they will still get bullied. Mainly because the school kids are jealous of the ones who aren't at a school, or they are just not very nice."You won't get anywhere in life, you have no GCSEs or qualifications". So what? Your point is?I was home educated for 16 years. Through those 16 years I learnt how to read, write, cook, play, draw, develop skills I though I never had but most of all, have fun. Do children really have fun at school? Everyone is different, I'm not judging.I just don't understand why people think GCSEs are something we NEED. Do you really think Thomas Edison needed to have GCSEs to invent the light bulb? Come off it. GCSEs are a piece of paper! If GCSEs are that 'important', why are there no jobs for people to use there GCSEs? They study to pass their exams and when they pass they are happy, but what do these students get out of having all that stress to gain a piece of paper with the letter A/D/B/C on it?I had no GCSEs, I refused to take any GCSEs but I still managed to pass my English exam which I took at my college, which is a form of a qualification but it's not graded A - whatever.Just because we don't go to a school, does not mean we are thick.Agatha Christie, Thomas Edison, Sir Noel Coward, Beatrix Potter, Julie Andrews, Elizabeth II, William Blake, Patrick Moore, andLouis Armstrong.Most of you should have heard of them. Home education is not at all a bad thing. School is not a bad thing, UNLESS you've had a bad experience or you make trouble for yourself. I however, think that home education is rated at a very low level and those to hear about it, stick their noses up and don't want to hear anything else about it.Don't just a book by it's cover. Just because we're at home, doesn't mean we're not learning. Really, did I need a GCSE to write this?
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