
Janis was one of these naive people

Janis also shared with Zelda the almost literary tenets of Southern womanhood, Rosetta Stone V3 the spirited veneer of the legendary Southern belle with its attendant charades of etiquette that are still a fact of life in the Deep South. They both grew up in this claustrophobic atmosphere with its elaborate anachronistic modes of proper behavior which unconsciously support a delicious irony: that well-brought-up Southern girls grow up under similar halters of tradition and confining social restrictions as the Southern black. It was, perhaps, this perverse affinity that gave such credence to Janiss blues. Both willful, headstrong girls, at the same time sensitive enough to appreciate the lush romantic tradition that they grew up with, Janis and Zelda were torn between wanting to tear down all the silly pretenses of this feudal society with its faint echoes of Sir Walter Scott tiptoeing about Tara and living gracefully within its many privileges Cheap Rosetta Stone Software. Such a conflict had one day driven Zelda to write: "... its very difficult to be two simple people at once, one who wants to have a law to itself and another who wants to keep all the nice old things and be loved and safe and protected." How did you come to get into this strong identification thing with Zelda? I always did have a very heavy attachment for the whole Fitzgerald thing, that all out, Full Tilt, Hell Bent Way of Living, and she and F. Scott Fitzgerald were the epitome of that whole trip, right? When I was young I read all of his books; Ive reread them all: autobiographies, The Crack-Up, all the little scribblings ... and she was always a mythic person in his life, you also have the feeling that he destroyed her. You always get the feeling that she was willing to go with him through anything and that Rosetta Stone German V3 he ruined her.

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